miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012


Después de larga brecha de tiempo, de vuelta a las páginas de mi blog para seguir mostrando diferentes aspectos de mi trabajo artístico y la de otros autores.
Hoy os quiero mostrar una imagen que hice ayer para un amigo, con motivo de la publicación de un artículo científico en Plos One. Es un neandertal cubierto con plumas de buitre.
Mi amigo es Clive Finlayson, y Kate Wong revisar su trabajo en la revista Scientific American, con el título "Caveman Couture: Neandertals Rocked Dark Feathers"

After long gap of time, back to the pages of my blog to continue showing you different aspects of my artistic work and that of other authors.
Today I want to show a picture I made yesterday for a friend, on the occasion of the publication of a scientific paper in Plos One. Is a Neanderthal covered with vulture feathers.
My friend is Clive Finlayson, and Kate Wong review their work in Scientific American, with the title "Caveman Couture: Neandertals Rocked Dark Feathers"

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010


My friend Clive Finlayson has created a new Blog where present photographic images of the wintering geese and wildlife of Nothern British Isles.

Thank Clive, very striking.

The website of Blog is

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Illustrations in The Humans who went extinct
(© C. Finlayson 2009. Oxford University Press N. Y.)

After almost a year dedicated to finish my thesis, I return to post on my Blog ARTE DE LA NATURALEZA some of the illustrations I made for the book by Clive Finlayson The Humans who went extinct, was published in late 2009.

From now on I hope to maintain a more frequent publication.

Hope you like it.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Tucánes de Swainson (Ramphastos swainsoni) Oleo sobre lienzo

Toucans of Swainson (Ramphastos swainsoni) Oil on canvas

Bos primigenius vs. Stephanorhinus (Grafito sobre papel)

Bos primigenius vs. Stephanorhinus (Pencil on paper)

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

Al borde del abismo
(Oleo sobre lienzo)

On the brink
(Oil on canvas)

martes, 27 de enero de 2009


Dionisio Álvarez Cueto

Gran e imaginativo ilustrador. Irreparable pérdida para los que - como yo - admiramos el arte de la reconstrucción histórica, y para todos en general.
Descanse en paz.

Great and imaginative illustrator. Irreparable loss for those who - like me - we admire the art of historical reconstruction, and for all in general.
Rest in peace.

Uno de sus últimos trabajos ilustrando el cartel de las pasadas Jornadas sobre cubiles de hiena celebradas en el Museo Regional de Alcalá de Henares, institución con la cual Dionisio colaboró abundantemente

One of his recent work illustrating the poster of the last Conference on the hyena dens held at the Regional Museum of Alcala de Henares, an institution with which collaborated extensively Dionisio